Hand-Crafted Little Doors for the Fairy Folk in your Home
Fairy doors are charming and whimsical additions to any home or garden. They are small decorative doors that are often placed low on a wall, tree, or in a garden, with the belief that they provide an entrance for fairies or other magical creatures to enter and exit.
I’ve seen fairy doors at the bases of trees in decorative gardens. I’ve seen them in public forests where visitors have randomly added them… and subsequent visitors added crystals, small figurines, herbs, tiny toys. Random people participate in the belief of elemental beings that react to our gestures – our gifts back to nature.
Some of the most beautiful Fairy entrances I’ve seen are on Doon Hill in Aberfoyle, Scotland where local minister, Robert Kirk met with the fairies and wrote a book on their secret language (shortly thereafter he was kidnapped by them and disappeared only to later turn up dead at the top of the hill).
We featured Doon Hill and fairy forts on our Thin Places Travel Podcast (Ep 8) where we spoke to Spiritual kinesiologist, Carmel Costello and learned that the special “energy” or sense of place one feels in a particular place could be the presence of elemental beings we commonly call “fairies.”
My niece, Sarah was an amazing artist. She passed away at age 38 this past May. My son and I cleaned out her apartment and found that Sarah had a fairy door just above the baseboard in every room. She had painted and decorated each one – and even placed little furniture and tokens on the floor just below the door. We also found these intricately styled fairy doors she had created to be sold on her Etsy site. Three of them are pictured above.
The fairy doors in a room or garden are not just decorative. They are sweet reminders that elemental beings are among us. If the idea of fairies scares you … think of them as “angel doors.”
If you’re interested in adding a fairy door to your home, here is a page that has some ideas and tips to consider.
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